SWS Marek Heinel
Schönblickstraße 107
71272 Renningen
Contact person & contact details
Marek Heinel
fon.: 0049 . 7159 . 8044 722
cell: 0049 . 173 . 751 08 89
Finanzamt Leonberg
Liability for contents
The contents of this websites were developed with high diligence. However Marek Heinel can not guarantee the correctness, completeness and timeliness of the content. As a service provider he is responsible for his own contents on these pages depending on § 7 Abs.1 TMG. Depending on § 8 bis 10 TMG he as a service provider is however not obliged to control information that are submitted or saved from a third party. Further more Marek Heinel is not obliged to inquire circumstances that indicate violations of the law. Liability to delete or block information following the regular rules stays untouched. A liabilty for informations that violate the rules does not exist until the date these violations were registered as such. Contents that violate the laws will immediately be removed after Marek Heinel got notice of the respective violations.
Liability for links
These websites contain links to extern websites of third parties. Marek Heinel has no influence on the contents of these pages and is therefor not liable for these extern contents. Responsible for the contents of the linked pages are always their respective providers or owners. The linked pages were checked for any violations of the laws at the moment where those links were made. At that point of time no violations of the law were noticable. A permanent control of the contents of those linked pages is not reasonable without specific indications of violations of the law. Should Marek Heinel got notice of any violations of the law on the linked pages the respective link will be removed immediately.
Responsible for the contents
Marek Heinel